The True Cost of Fashion

The fashion Industry is f-ed up.

I just finished watching the true cost documentary and I’m a bit overwhelmed. 
We originally started the idea to create a travel brand because I wanted reversible clothing and have to pack less, but as I educate myself on the industry - fashion has an extreme impact on several things. 

(1) The planet - it’s ranked as one of the top industry's for pollution 

(2) Our health - chemicals are used in the clothes we wear, the mental health  impacts of consumption and unrealistic standards the industry has

(3) And the social impact of the supply chain - garment workers can be in extreme conditions with little pay, farmers are subject to chemicals used to treat crop and entire communities can suffer. 

It can be super overwhelming to feel like every decision you make can and has affected one of these things. Is the shirt I’m wearing now making the world a worse place?

The first step is definitely awareness and I’m glad I’m learning so I can start making small changes each day for me. 

And as someone who came into these industry with little background, it’s still quite possible to get an idea to reality - but I’m questioning is this current model we’ve seen the right way to do it? Can a small brand take into account the impacts on our planet, our health, society as a whole and still have a viable business?

If we strive to do things better, do we open ourselves up to judgement or will people forgive us when we make mistakes? 

I'm questioning everything I knew about fashion and maybe you should to.

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